LOCATION: The Browncroft neighborhood is located on the very east side of the city of Rochester bordering the Town of Brighton just west of Route 286 (Browncroft Blvd) Exit on route 590 North. Browncroft Blvd. runs through its core. Its member streets run east off Winton Road North from Dorchester Road north to Elmcroft Road and along Blossom Road they run east from Beresford Road to Gaslight Lane. There are 18 member streets within the BNA area and all will have open garage sales supported by BNA promotion. Only houses within this BNA defined area may register due to legal and insurance reasons. (People or streets outside of this BNA area are welcome to have their own sales.)
HOURS: The Garage Sale will be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. PLEASE DO NOT start selling items prior to the Official Start Time, as this encourages the public to descend upon the neighborhood and other garage sale participants before all is ready. Dealers in particular will start pushing you to let them start buying things, often as early as 7:00 a.m. Please resist and ask them to return at 8:45 or 9:00 a.m., as the sale is advertised in the newspapers and on-line as starting at 9:00 a.m.
HOUSES PARTICIPATING IN THE SALE: The BNA will be supplying an identifying marker ribbon to houses participating in the sale. This will identify the residence as an official BNA Garage Sale participant. Volunteers will hand out ribbons and a map to each registered participant by May 2nd. A list of participants and items for sale can be printed from the BNA website: www.browncroftna.org .
PARKING: There will be MANY cars in the area on Saturday and Sunday, and we must follow City parking regulations so that we don't hinder any potential emergency vehicles in the area. Vehicles must be parked on the correct side of the street as indicated on the signs on the lamp poles and on the corner poles at intersections. Parking on front lawns is a parking violation, as well as being an eyesore. If you anticipate needing to get out of your driveway, we suggest you place several orange cones at the end of your driveway. (See Browncroft Parking Letter from RPD -ATTACHMENT BELOW)
BNA asks all visitors NOT TO PARK in the plaza and business lots along Winton/Main/Merchants Roads. Thank you.
FOOD CART and FOOD TRUCK PARKING RESTRICTIONS exist within the R-1 zoned Browncroft neighborhood. (See Food Cart/Trucks restriction at Garage Sale letter - ATTACHMENT BELOW)
PUBLIC RESTROOMS: Port-a-Johns will be available at the Rose Garden at the corner of Merchants Rd and Lanark Cres. and at the SE corner of Dorchester and Newcastle Rd at School #46. The businesses in the area will not have restroom facilities.
BE CONSIDERATE of your neighbors not having a garage sale and encourage visitors to do the same.
RAIN/WEATHER: Sale dates will be in effect rain or shine. Due to the number of arrangements that need to be in place, there will be NO rain date. It is up to each participant to decide whether to hold his/her sale in the event of adverse weather.
CLEAN UP AFTER THE SALE is the responsibility of each sale's participant. If you see trash please dispose of it properly. Remember the first regular City Refuse Collection is on Wednesday May 7th in this area.
GARAGE SALE REMNANTS: What do you do with Garage Sale Leftovers? Some give them away to their customers. Some put them spread out carefully at the curb for individual perusal, then gather what's left on garbage day. Donating to a charity is a great idea.
Other non-profits are:
-- ABVI, Goodwill, 427-7140, 546 S. Clinton
-- Asbury UMC Store House,1050 East Ave. 475-0950 (not a thrift shop, but distributes clothing and dishes to the poor)
-- A Second Thought Resale Shop, 349 W. Commercial St. East Rochester, (Piano Works Mall), 340-5730 (clothing, accessories and small house wares). HeritageChristianServices.org (for developmentally challenged).
-- AMVETS, 400 Jefferson Rd., 424-3730
-- Flower City Habitat for Humanity ReStore at 755 Culver Rd. accepts furniture, appliances,windows, doors, building materials and other household furnishings.
-- Matthews Closet, 316 Bay St., 232-5160 (about 1/2 mile north of the Public Market, next to the church)
-- R Community Bikes, 226 Hudson Ave. accepts bikes Mon-Sat from 9Am to 1 PM https://rcommunitybikes.org/ Bikes are given to needy children and adults in the community
-- Salvation Army (truck pickup), 235-2769
-- Savers Thrift Store 980 Ridge Road, Webster. They partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester. (Clothing, shoes, bedding, housewares, books, and furniture accepted)
NOTE: SALE PARTICIPANTS SHOULD ALSO READ the articles (.PDF) attached below for expanded sale guidelines and some valuable sale hints during the Garage Sale.