One designated Street Representative from each area street serves on the Board of Directors. The streets make up Districts which are represented by District Representatives, who are one of the Street Reps in that district. The officers and District Reps comprise the Executive Committee, which meets on alternate periods between full Board meetings.
- ELM District:
- BERWICK---------Jim Nicholson (28 Berwick) District Rep
- ELM------------- Sarah DeGoey (Elm Dr)
- ELMCROFT-------Cara Paul (41 Elmcroft)
- LANARK---------Kathy Boyle (84 Lanark)
- MERCHANTS-----Kathy Nye (154 Merchants)
- QUENTIN--------Sara Cousins (55 Quentin)
- CORWIN District:
- BROWNCROFT----Holly Petsos (175 Browncroft) District Rep
- CORWIN---------Dede Ranger (193 Corwin)
- DORCHESTER----Ann Kanthor (175 Dorchester)
- GRAMERCY------ Vacant (Gramercy Park)
- RAMSEY-------- Sam Walters (50 Ramsey Park)
- WINDEMERE-----Kathy Grady (67 Windemere)
- CROYDON District:
- BERESFORD----- Patrick Phillips (340 Beresford)
- CROYDON------ Adam Agosti (97 Croydon)
- GASLIGHT-------Vacant (Gaslight)
- NEWCASTLE-----John Edelman 205 Newcastle)
- YARMOUTH-----Pending