BNA Ultimate Garage Sale Returns MAY 3rd and 4th, BNA New President, President's Message, BNA Garage Sale Details, David Kaiser Passes, Historic Tax Credits, Spring Clean-Up, Respect Rochester, A little Bit of History, and Winter Gathering.
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Up Coming BNA Events
April 8 - BNA Executive Committee Meeting
April 26 - Browncroft Rose Garden Spring Clean Up
May 3-4 - BNA 23rd Biennial Area Wide Garage The Browncroft Neighborhood Association’s Ultimate Garage Sale is returning for a 24th iteration. This is a popular event attracting garage-salegoers far and near, and helps our residents make some cash while they declutter.
May 13 or 20 (TBD) - BNA Annual Neighborhood Meeting (Election of 2025-26 BNA Officers)
June 26 - Ice Cream Social (Berwick)
August 16 - Movie in the Park
September 19 - Neighborhood Family Picnic (Hazelwood Lodge, Ellison Park)
Volunteers Needed- Some activities may not occur unless neighborhood volunteers come forward to help make them happen.
Welcome to the Browncroft Neighborhood Association (BNA) web site. This is the official web PUBLIC site of the historic Browncroft Neighborhood in the City of Rochester, New York. As a visitor you have complete access to all of its content by following the shortcuts along the top, the BLUE navigation selections to the left, or selecting any BLUE highlighted word that will redirect you to further content here or on the Internet. You do not need to login at any time.
The purpose of BNA is to promote, organize, and carry on those activities which are intended to maintain and improve the character and quality of neighborhood living in the Browncroft area of the City of Rochester, New York.
Overview: The City of Rochester's web site provides a general overview of the Browncroft Neighborhood in the Southeast Quadrant.
Communication is important: The BNA Crier Newsletter is delivered to each of our houses in the BNA area about 5-6 times a year by our volunteer carriers. If you wish to subscribe to our BNA-announce emailing list for alerts, reminders, and news, go to the Contact page. Besides this site, you can Follow @BrowncroftNA on Twitter or FACEBOOK. No account login required to view.
Membership: As a resident of a BNA street, you can show your support by becoming a voting member by filling a BNA Membership Form and payment of the $10 dues.
Our Beautification Committee has provided on its web page a useful PDF document containing plants lists of plants that feed birds year round taken from the Brown Bros
Please visit our neighborhood's (K-6) RCSD – School #46 web site - bookmark it and check back for monthly updates.
Winton Branch Library program flyers received by BNA are available here or at the Public Library web site. Your continued patronage is appreciated.
Winton Library Programs: Website:
Crime Reporting available for our area: Rochester Police Department Open Data Portal: This is a public platform for viewing crime information in the City of Rochester. Link: Rochester, NY Police Department Open Data Portal (